We’re proud of the products we provide here at Animigo, so we hope you enjoy them as much as we do! If, for whatever reason, you would like to return a product, we have made the process as simple as possible. We have a 30 day hassle-free returns policy as well as a friendly customer care team so that you can buy with peace of mind and know you will get help if you would like to return anything.
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How do I return something to you?
If you want to return a product because you have changed your mind or no longer want it, simply return it to us within 30-days in its original condition for a complete refund. If you find that the packaging and items have been damaged during delivery, get in contact and we will send you a replacement.
To keep you in the loop at all times, once you have sent your return, we will notify you when we have received the item back in our warehouse and also when either your refund has been processed or your resend sent out. We will refund you using the same payment method you used when placing your original order. When sending back an item, we recommend using a traceable delivery method to ensure safe delivery.
When will I receive my refund?
Refunds usually take around 2-3 working days, depending on your bank and card issuer.
How do I know that you’ve received my item?
We will send you a notification as soon as your item has been safely returned back to our warehouse. We will additionally send you notification when your refund is being processed or your resend sent out.
I’ve received a faulty item
If you discover any kind of fault, get in contact with our friendly customer care team and they will be able to help. Just give them your 8-digit order number, the name of the item and the fault and they can arrange for a new product to be sent out as soon as possible.
I’m missing an item from my order
If you think anything is missing from your order, get in touch with our customer care team and they can get it sorted. Simply provide them with your 8-digit order number and they will arrange for the missing item to be sent.
I don’t live in the UK, how long will it take for my items to arrive?
International deliveries always take longer to get back to our warehouse in the UK, so please allow up to 21 working days from the day you sent it. Make sure to use a traceable delivery service so that you know where your parcel is at all times and in case there is an issue with delivery.