Flea & Tick Collar


Flea & Tick Collar for Dogs & Cats

Many pets love a good scratch from time to time but you may have noticed that your furry friend is starting to scratch more frequently - fleas and ticks might be the cause of this. These pests can bite your pets relentlessly, leaving them irritated and itchy. But don’t worry, Animigo’s Flea & Tick Collar is here to help! This adjustable collar perfectly fits any cat or dog and uses a controlled release of plant-based, active ingredients to cover your pet’s entire body to fend off these pesky pets.

What Are The Benefits Of The Flea & Tick Collar?

There are plenty of shampoos and supplements available to deal with your pet’s fleas and ticks. However, these can be a real hassle with your furry friend either hating bath time or being fussy eaters when it comes to pills or tablets. Our Collar provides you with a convenient alternative to help your pet manage their fleas and ticks without them knowing.

But that’s not all! This Collar coats your pet's entire body with a pleasant smelling flea and tick control, providing your pet with the protection they need for at least 8 months. The Collar is made with Ethene and Chloro Homopolymer, making it perfect for long-term use. It’s time to ditch that old, basic collar and let your furry friend experience the benefits of Animigo’s Flea & Tick Collar!


This product is subject to specific safety warnings. Use biocides safely. Always read the label and product information before use.

How to use the Flea & Tick Collar?

  1. Place the Collar around your pet's neck, adjust the fit and buckle in place.
  2. The Collar should be worn loosely to allow it to move around your pet’s neck - leave 2-3 inches for extra adjustment.
  3. Cut off and dispose of the excess length.
  4. Wash your hands after finishing.


Do not use for pets under 8 weeks. In case of itching or erythema, contact your veterinarian. Do not eat, drink or smoke when applying the product. Keep it out of reach of children and store in a cool, dry place. The collar is not water proof, hence, it should be removed before bathing/ swimming and should only be put on after the fur is fully dry. However, we do recommend checking the full list of ingredients before using to check for any potential allergens to your pet.

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reviews 4.5

90.55% based on 54 Reviews

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S Si M
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The best product 🦾🦾

A AnWar W
Verified Purchase

It is too early to tell how effective this product is at the moment.

K Keith
Verified Purchase

Well worth it . Easy to order and buy no harmful chenicals to smell . Both dogs have them they work but had any nasty bugs Waterproof Buy in six months time

J Jayne D
Verified Purchase

Great product

T Tony E
Verified Purchase

This is the second flea collar that I have used. This one worked much better than the other one I had tried from another brand. My doggo can play in peace now!

N Naira
Verified Purchase

The collar is quite long, so I could easily adjust it according to my dog’s neck size. Also, it’s working quite well.

J Jackie
Verified Purchase

It’s been 2 weeks since I started using the collar for my dog. He has finally got some relief from the pest attacks. He’s loving his outdoor time now!

Z Zubina
Verified Purchase

After using the collar, I just regret that I didn’t know about this amazing solution before!

D Debina
Verified Purchase

Collar is flexible, my pet seems to be comfortable putting it on. Pests are irritating my pet less now. So, ya pretty good stuff.

C Catherine
Verified Purchase

Collar works brilliantly. My dog is enjoying his time peacefully now. Just wish it was completely waterproof..

D Drake
Verified Purchase

By far the coolest thing I have found for my dog. He is loving the flea-free life. Would highly recommend this for all pet owners man!

T Tyan
Verified Purchase

The collar seems to be very durable. It’s comfortable also because of the extended length. You can tailor the fit perfectly. Nice product!

K Kiana
Verified Purchase

The collar just made my pet’s life so much easier by keeping the pests awayyyyy. He stays less irritated now. Price is a bit steep though

J Jamie
Verified Purchase

Just received the collar. Material is quite durable. It’s long enough to be a comfortable fit for my dog’s neck. Hoping it will work.

A Aston
Verified Purchase

"Ich habe das Floh- und Zeckenhalsband meiner Hündin vor zwei Monaten angelegt und konnte bereits eine deutliche Verbesserung feststellen! Keine lästigen Zecken mehr, und sie scheint auch weniger zu jucken. Ich bin wirklich beeindruckt von der Wirksamkeit dieses Produkts."

M Maria
Verified Purchase

"Unser Hund hat eine sehr empfindliche Haut und reagiert oft allergisch auf chemische Produkte. Deshalb haben wir uns für ein natürliche Floh- und Zeckenhalsband entschieden. Es funktioniert wunderbar und verursacht keine Hautreizungen. Sehr zu empfehlen!"

S Stephan
Verified Purchase

"Ich war anfangs skeptisch gegenüber Floh- und Zeckenhalsbändern, aber nachdem ich mehrere positive Bewertungen gelesen hatte, beschloss ich, es auszuprobieren. Ich bereue es nicht! Mein Hund ist seitdem frei von Parasiten, und das Halsband hält schon seit Monaten. Sehr zufrieden!"

A Angelika
Verified Purchase

"Unser Hund hatte bereits einige Zecken, als er noch sehr jung war, und wir wollten unbedingt verhindern, dass so etwas wieder wieder passiert. Das Floh- und Zeckenhalsband war die perfekte Lösung! Es ist einfach anzuwenden und hat uns seitdem viel Sorge und Stress erspart."

M Martin
Verified Purchase

"Ich liebe es, wie praktisch Floh- und Zeckenhalsbänder sind! Wir reisen viel mit unserem Hund, und das Halsband bietet einen kontinuierlichen Schutz, egal wohin wir gehen.”

D Daniel
Verified Purchase

"Mein Hund ist sehr aktiv und verbringt viel Zeit draußen. Trotz regelmäßiger Kontrolle hatte er immer wieder Flöhe. Seitdem wir das Floh- und Zeckenhalsband verwenden, ist das endlich Geschichte! “

S Sabine
Verified Purchase

"Die Gesundheit meines Hundes liegt mir sehr am Herzen, und deshalb habe ich mich intensiv über Floh- und Zeckenschutz informiert. Das Halsband schien die beste Option zu sein, und ich wurde nicht enttäuscht. Mein Hund ist jetzt frei von Parasiten und wir können die Zeit draußen wieder richtig genießen."

A Alex
Verified Purchase

"Ich habe mehrere Floh- und Zeckenhalsbänder ausprobiert, bevor ich das richtige für meinen Hund gefunden habe. Einige waren zu groß, andere zu klein, aber schließlich haben wir eines entdeckt, das perfekt passt und effektiv ist. Es war jeden Cent wert!"

M Martina
Verified Purchase

"Als ich das Floh- und Zeckenhalsband das erste Mal an meinem Hund angelegt habe, war ich überrascht, wie schnell es zu wirken begann. Innerhalb weniger Stunden konnte ich bereits weniger Zecken auf seinem Fell finden. Ich bin wirklich beeindruckt!"

W Wiebke
Verified Purchase

"Ich kann Floh- und Zeckenhalsbänder jedem Hundebesitzer empfehlen, der nach einer einfachen und effektiven Lösung für Parasitenschutz sucht. Es ist eine Investition in die Gesundheit und das Wohlbefinden Ihres pelzigen Freundes, die sich definitiv auszahlt."

M Marianne
Verified Purchase

Prima producten ik raad iedereen koopje hier

B Ben
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Verified Purchase

Werkt goed voor mijn labradoodle Harley

M Marian
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R Ruben
Verified Purchase

Ik raad deze halsband alle eigenaren van honden aan! Mijn hond George heeft helemaal geen last van de band.. Blij mee.

Q Quincy
Verified Purchase

Materiaal van de band is sterk en past gemakkelijk om de hals van mijn kat. Ik hoop dat het gaat werken zodat mijn kat snel minder last heeft

M Maria
Verified Purchase

Goed product! Ik heb er twee gekocht, voor mijn hond en voor mijn kat. Ik vind het een fijn idee dat ze lang beschermd zullen zijn tegen ongedierte.

A Anoniem
Verified Purchase

Ik heb een St bernard hond met een dikkere nek dan gemiddeld en zelfs bij hem past deze band. Fijn

R Roan
Verified Purchase

Ik ben blij dat ik deze oplossing heb gevonden. Moest vaak een kuur halen en dat werd wel duur… Dit is een duurzamere optie!

N Noud
Verified Purchase

Ik merkte dat mijn lieve Snoopy alsnel minder jeuk had dus ik raad dit zeker aan

K Klant
Verified Purchase

Gemakkelijk in gebruik mijn hond merkt niks

Y Yente
Verified Purchase

Geen klachten

A Amara
Verified Purchase

Hade förra året och det funkade bra, köpte samma iår och hoppas på att bli lika nöjd! Skönt att slippa kemikalierna…

M Maja
Verified Purchase

Fått en del fästingar med halsbandet. Men funkar nog till viss del

s sara
Verified Purchase

Bon produit.

I Isabelle
Verified Purchase

Toujours contente de ce produit

I Isabelle
Verified Purchase

pour l'instant çà a l'air de fonctionner sur deux chats et deux chiens

G Gervaise
Verified Purchase

C'est le deuxième collier qu'on prend pour notre loulou et j'en suis très satisfait, il n'attrape plus aucun parasite et ce sur le long terme, très efficace, très bon rapport qualité-prix, je le recommande pour vos chiens

B Bertrand L
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G Giuseppe A
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Prodotto ottimo, la mia gattina lo adora e mi sento molto più sicura quando la lascio giocare in giardino

C Claudia
Verified Purchase

Io lo uso con continuità e devo dire che il mio cane Billy non ha mai avuto problemi di parassiti ecc., soprattutto in primavera. Buon prodotto

F Francesco
Verified Purchase

Per me in estate è il massimo! Ho sia un cane che un gatto e li indossano volentieri, avevo più paura per il cane visto che esce più spesso e mi ci sto trovando benissimo

L Lidia
Verified Purchase

Ho due gattini appena adottati che spesso porto in giro e per me sono diventati un must-have. Non voglio ricorrere a shampoo perché non viene molto tollerato dai gatti e spesso irrita il loro pelo, mi sembra un’alternativa buona

L Lorenzo
Verified Purchase

Non mi piace molto la profumazione anche se non si percepisce così tanto (devo dire poi che odio la lavanda ahah), detto questo fa il suo lavoro e il prezzo mi sembra abbastanza buono per 8 mesi. Voto

R Rosa
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Utilizzato su 3 cani diversi che stanno SEMPRE all’aria aperta…secondo me è più efficace nel periodo primavera/estate e non vedo l’ora di testarli. Per ora mi sembra funzioni, l’ho comprato per la durata, migliore rispetto a quello di 3 mesi

G Giulia
Verified Purchase

Buon prodotto

F Francesco
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Io conosco questo marchio da tempo e mi sembra affidabile, ho comprato il collare da 8 mesi perché mi sembra il più conveniente, ora lo testerò

E Eleonora
Verified Purchase

Mi ci trovo benissimo e la mia gatta non ha fatto un fiato! Il suo pelo è molto delicato, soggetto a irritazioni, mi sento più sicura quando va in giardino, ottimo

S Stefania
Verified Purchase

Buon prodotto, consegna super veloce

S Simone

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